Eating healthy ( bitterleaf)

Yes, it leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth but if you seriously want to enjoy a lifetime of health, the bitter truth is that you will have to put up with plants like bitter leaf.
It has so many unimaginable benefits to your health that you shouldn’t overlook. It carries important nutritional properties like proteins, fat, crude fibre, ash and minerals, all of which keep those life-threatening diseases away. If you can get over its bad taste, the following are the health benefits you will get.

Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf

1. Eases stomach ulcers

A burning stomach? No thank you. No one wants that. Unfortunately, if you are an ulcer patient, that rings a bell but you can put an end to the pain. Have some bitter leaf. Its ingredients will produce a healing effect by protecting the walls of your stomach. Make sure you don't take the bitter leaf or drink the juice on an empty stomach. It will only make things worse.
2. Treats malaria

Malaria is a common illness in this part of the world. If you are unfortunate enough to have gotten it, don't worry. Take bitter leaf. It cures malaria.

3. Cures skin condition

If you have acne, black spots, pimples or any skin disease for that matter, bitter leaf is a reliable solution. Making bitter leaf paste and applying it to the troubled areas of your skin will work magic. But, be careful. If your skin reacts when things are applied to it, then visit your doctor before using bitter leaf.

4. Clears fever
We all know how irritating fever can be. Don’t wait to get it. Bitter leaf has powerful nutrients that prevent you from fever. This was the original use of bitter leaf and it's proven to be reliable.

5. Weight loss

The best way to lose weight and achieve your goals is by eating bitter leaf. Bitter leaf will burn the excess fat you've been wanting to lose. Eat it in its raw form or drink a glass of bitter leaf juice regularly. Better yet, cook it with your food.
6. Controls the amount of sugar

If you find it unthinkable to have a sugar-free diet, or you are having trouble reducing the amounts of sugar you take, then you can work your way around this. Just eat bitter leaf.
Proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates found in bitter leaf lower the amount of sugar in the blood. This way, you will avoid diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure.

7. Boosts fertility

The secret to giving birth to a bouncing baby boy or girl is to take foods like bitter leaf. It keeps your reproductive organs working well so you will not have any problems getting pregnant. But, if you are not sure about using bitter leaf or need special attention, go see your doctor.
8. Prevents cancer

If you look at your skin right now, do you see growth? If you don't, good for you. If you do see one, are you doing something about it? It might not lead to a tumor but what if it does?

Don't leave anything to chance. One way you can do that is by adding bitter leaf to your diet. This plant stops the development of the type of skin growth that causes cancer. 

9. Strengthen bones and teeth

Whether it's your back or joints that have made it a nightmare for you to run, walk, bend or even sit comfortably, take bitter leaf to relieve all the pain. Eating bitter leaf on a consistent basis will make your bones stronger.

10. Improves digestion

If constipation and bloating are issues you deal with on a daily basis, then bitter leaf will do the trick for you. All the food you eat will be digested as fast which means you won't have to feel embarrassed anymore because of frequent belching. If you stopped going out because of frequent stomach aches and bloating, you don't have to miss out anymore.
